The list of invited speakers is constantly updated.
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Bart Preneel is a full professor at the KU Leuven, where he heads the imec-COSIC research group, which has 80 members. He has authored numerous scientific publications and is inventor of five patents. His research interests are cryptography, cybersecurity and privacy. He is president of LSEC and has been president of the IACR. He has been invited speaker at more than 120 conferences in more than 40 countries. He is a member of the Permanent Stakeholders group of ENISA (European Network and Information Security Agency) and of the Academia Europaea. He received the RSA Award for Excellence in the Field of Mathematics (2014), the IFIP TC11 Kristian Beckman award (2015) and the ESORICS Outstanding Research Award (2017). In 2015 he was elected as fellow of the IACR and in 2016 he delivered the IACR Distinguished Lecture. He testified in the European Parliament for the LIBE Committee Inquiry on Electronic Mass Surveillance of EU Citizens. He frequently consults for industry and government about security and privacy technologies and is involved with several start-ups in the area of cybersecurity. |
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Peter Aufner is technical lead for penetration testing at SGS Digital Trust Services. He has master’s degrees in computer sciences and business informatics from the Vienna University of Technology. During six years of work as a penetration tester he has gathered experience in web applications audits, internal and external infrastructure penetration tests as well as security code reviewing. At SGS his focus is on testing all IT security aspects of Internet of Things devices. |
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David Bidner holds a MSc degree in Information and Computer Engineering from TU Graz with the focus on Secure and Correct Systems and Embedded and Automotive Systems. In 2018 he joined BearingPoint Technology GmbH where he is part of the Security Assessment team. In his work he conducts penetration tests and application security assessments, whereas the focus lies mainly on web application security. |
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Martin Griesbacher is a research assistant at the research network Human Factor in Digital Transformation at the University of Graz. Since 2012 he has been involved in national and international research projects in the fields of Cybersecurity & Cybercrime, Digitalization and Work and since 2015 he is co-organizer of the interdisciplinary conference series “Denkwerkstätte Graz”. In 2017 he received together with Stephan Moebius the Ars Docendi state prize in the category research-related teaching. |
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Josef Haid studied Electrical Engineering and received a PhD degree in 2003 from Graz University of Technology, Austria. He joined Infineon in 2004 as a concept engineer for security controllers. In the following years Dr. Haid held different positions in concept engineering and technical marketing for contactless security controllers used in payment and government ID applications. Since 2015 Dr. Haid leads the technical marketing group of the Embedded Security business line focusing on hardware security in embedded devices for IoT, industrial, and consumer electronics. |
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Mario Lamberger holds a MSc and PhD degree in mathematics from TU Graz. From 2003 – 2011 he worked at the IAIK of TU Graz as a researcher and lecturer in cryptography and security where in 2012 he received a habilitation for IT-security. In 2011 he joined NXP Semiconductors Austria where he is part of the Innovation Center Crypto & Security. His focus lies on cryptographic libraries, certification, random number generation and company-wide trainings on cryptography and security. |
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Stefan Marksteiner is a technology scout for cybersecurity with AVL’s Research Program Management department. Having both an operational and research background in network security, security architectures and modeling, he is responsible for researching methods for automated security testing in automotive systems, as well as developing concepts for protecting smart factory environments. He has worked in security-related standardization and leads and lead several security-related research projects in various domains such as smart homes, smart energy, Internet of Things and automotive security. |
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Tomislav Nad is a security professional and engineer by heart. He holds a Master degree in mathematics with focus on IT-Security. During his master thesis he discovered his passion for cryptography and continued with a PhD in Cryptography in the Crypto Group at IAIK, University of Technology Graz. After he spent several years in research he switched to industry to work on today’s security problems. Since then he worked as Security Consultant, Chief Security Architect and Head of Research. His main interests are the design and implementation of secure systems and the security assessment of IT products and systems. Recently, he joined SGS Digital Trust Service as Team Leader and Senior Principal Security Expert in the brand new Cybersecurity Lab Graz. |
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Shlomi Oberman is a co-founder and CEO of JSOF, a boutique Israeli cyber-security consulting company. Shlomi spent many years in the attacker’s shoes and knows all too well how difficult it is to stop a determined attacker. In the past years he has been helping secure software – both while it is being written and after it has shipped. JSOF provides services to help companies build secure connected products. From penetration testing and hacker simulation to secure code and design review, secure development process and training. We bring a unique blend of skills honed through elite military intelligence service, academic perspective and practical industry experience. |
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Markus Pistauer (Member IEEE) holds a Master degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (1991) and a Ph.D. degree in Electronic and Control Engineering (1995), both from Graz University of Technology, Austria. From 1995 to 1999 he worked at Siemens AG (Semiconductor Division, now Infineon Technologies) and also as Professor at University of Applied Sciences, Carinthia. He has founded CISC Semiconductor in 1999 where he acts as CEO and in 2012 CISC Semiconductor Corp. in Mountain View, CA, USA ( He is CEO of two other companies in EU and US and member of several technical advisory groups in the area of IoT. As technical expert he acts since 2006 as evaluator and reviewer for former FP7 and now H2020 projects. He gathered significant experience within a couple of national and international collaborative research projects over the past 25 years. He is author and co-author of more than 70 papers published and holds several patents in the area of microelectronics and electronic based systems. |
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Andreas Reiter holds a Master’s and PhD degree in Information and Computer Engineering from Graz University of Technology. From 2013 to 2017 he worked at the Institute of Applied Information Processing and Communications (IAIK) at TU Graz as a researcher and project assistant. His research focused on IT security and Cloud/Edge computing topics with various roles in European research projects. In 2018 Andreas Reiter joined Siemens as a security professional, focusing on the full spectrum of IT and OT/ICS security. In the Mindsphere security team (Siemens’ cloud-based IoT operating system) he works on large scale automated security testing and is involved in internal, national and pan-European research projects. |
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Martin Schaffer is Global Head of Secure Products & Systems, Digital Trust Services of the SGS Group with deep expertise in cryptography and applied security for embedded devices as well as in security evaluation & certification. Before joining SGS, Martin worked 10 years in the Semiconductor Industry in various roles, such as security architect, cryptographer and manager of a global security team. He is a regular speaker at international conferences, actively participates in industry associations such as ECSO and Eurosmart, where he is chairing dedicated working groups on security certification. Since November 2017, he is “ad personam” a member of ENISA’s Permanent Stakeholders Group. Martin holds a PhD-degree in computer science from Klagenfurt University, focusing on security, privacy and cryptography. |
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Daniel Slamanig is a scientist in the cryptography group at AIT Austrian Institute of Technology and previously was a senior researcher (2015-2017) and postdoctoral researcher (2012-2015) in the cryptography group at Graz University of Technology. He obtained a PhD degree in computer science with distinction from Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt in 2011. His main research interests are in the field of cryptography and privacy with a focus on practical public key cryptographic primitives, privacy preserving cryptography, their foundations and their applications and their applications in emerging fields such as cloud computing and the Internet of Things (IoT). He has published over 60 research papers in the field of cryptography and privacy and is a co-designer of the post-quantum signature scheme Picnic, a second round candidate to the NIST post-quantum standardization project. He currently is and previously was involved in various FP7 and Horizon 2020 projects, was the Technical Manager of the H2020 project PRISMACLOUD and is the principal investigator (PI) of the FWF project PROFET. |
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Raphael Spreitzer is a principal security expert in the business unit Secure Products & Systems, Digital Trust Services at SGS. Before joining SGS, he was a postdoctoral researcher and a research assistant in the Secure Systems group at IAIK, Graz University of Technology. He obtained a PhD degree in computer science with distinction from Graz University of Technology in 2017. His main research interests are information security with a special focus on software-based side-channel attacks (e.g., microarchitectural attacks, cache-timing attacks, and attacks exploiting public resources on Android), and practical applications of privacy-enhancing technologies (e.g., group signature schemes and revocation mechanisms. |
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Harald Stelzer is professor for Political Philosophy and Head of the Section Political Philosophy at the University of Graz. He has worked on the social and political philosophy of Karl Popper and Critical Rationalism, as well as on the development of the outline of a critical rational ethics. He has also published a book an numerous articles on the liberalism-communitarianism-debate. In the years 2013 and 2014 he has worked at the Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies in Potsdam (Germany) on the ethical and political implications of climate engineering. He is one of the editors of the European Commission’s EuTRACE project report. Together with the University of Hamburg, the PIK and the IASS in Potsdam, he conducts a project that should help to bridge the gap between the natural sciences, economics and philosophy: Contextualizing Climate Engineering and Mitigation: Illusion, Complement, or Substitute? (CEMICS). His main research interests are in problems and opportunities of the normative evaluation of political courses of action under special consider tion of uncertainty and risks. |
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Christoph Striecks is a scientist at AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH developing cryptographic solutions for the protection of data in modern Cloud, IoT, and Big-Data environments. He received his PhD in cryptography from Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) in Germany where he worked on the design of efficient cryptographic building blocks for public-key cryptography and published at top-level conferences such as CRYPTO, EUROCRYPT, and NDSS. As a main cryptographic expert, he was responsible for core research tasks in the EU-funded H2020 research projects PRISMACLOUD ( and CREDENTIAL ( as well as is currently involved in the ECSEL H2020 project SECREDAS ( Furthermore, he is involved in standardization activities that include ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 27/WG 2 and ETSI TC CYBER. Particularly, he participated as expert in the ETSI Specialist Task Forces (STF) 529 to support the standardization of attribute-based encryption. |
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Christina Veljanova is project assistant at the Institute of Philosophy – Section Political Philosophy at the University of Graz. In the period from 2017 and 2018 she worked on the H2020 project where she participated in the development of a criteria catalogue for trustworthy ICT products and services. Currently she is involved in two follow-up projects focusing on cyber security in Styrian SMEs and trust in partially automated driving and driver assistance systems. She is also pursuing her PhD at the University of Graz on designing for values in autonomous vehicles. Her research interests lie in the areas of philosophy and ethics of technology, robot ethics, machine ethics, moral philosophy and justice theories. |
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Stefan Lemsitzer studied Telematics at Graz University of Technology and ETH Zürich and received master degree in 2007 with focus on VLSI design and security. In 2007, he joined NXP Semiconductors and held several positions in the area of smart card platforms and smart card operating systems. Since 2017 he works as fellow system architect in business line IoT Security focussing on trust provisioning, hardware security and secure operating systems in embedded devices. |
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Zhendong Ma currently works as a security engineer for automotive cyber security consulting at Bosch Engineering in Vienna, Austria. From 2017 to July 2019 he was a senior security engineer at AVL in Graz, Austria, involving in the security analysis, design, development and testing of automotive systems. Prior to that, he led innovation and research projects on information security and privacy at Austrian Institute of Technology. He holds a Doctorate degree from Ulm University while researching on the emerging vehicular communication system security and privacy. |
Michael Schwarz is an Infosec PhD candidate at Graz University of Technology with a focus on microarchitectural side-channel attacks and system security. He holds two master’s degrees, one in computer science and one in software development with a strong focus on security. He frequently participates in CTFs and has also been a finalist in the European Cyber Security Challenge. He was a speaker at Black Hat Europe 2016, Black Hat Asia 2017, 2018 & 2019, and Black Hat US 2018, where he presented his research on microarchitectural side-channel attacks. He authored and co-authored several papers published at international academic conferences and journals, including USENIX Security 2016, 2018 & 2019, NDSS 2017, 2018 & 2019, CCS 2019, and IEEE S&P 2018 & 2019. He was part of one of the research teams that found the Meltdown and Spectre vulnerabilities as well as the ZombieLoad vulnerability. |