
Graz Security Week was established in 2017 and is a summer school that takes place in September each year on the campus of TU Graz. The program is organized by the faculty members of the Institute of Applied Information Processing and Communications (aka IAIK), which is the research unit for information security at TU Graz. The organizing committee of 2024 consists of Bettina Könighofer, Stefan Mangard, and Sujoy Sinha Roy.

The overall format of Graz Security Week combines lectures on the latest research in the morning with lab sessions in the afternoon that provide hands-on experience. Social events on the campus and a trip to the wine yards in the south of Graz complement the technical program.

List of Past Speakers

Alessandro Armando
N. Asokan
Gilles Barthe
Herbert Bos
Joppe Bos
Srdjan Capkun
Ilaria Chilloti
Byron Cook
Cas Cremers
Stéphanie Delaune
Rayna Dimitrova
Alexandra Dmitrienko
François Dupressoir
Maria Eichlseder
Thomas Eisenbarth
Sebastian Faust
Andrea Fiolardi
Anders Fogh
Cédric Fournet
Aurélien Francillon
Daniel Gruss
Tim Güneysu
Thorsten Holz
Boris Köpf
Katharina Krombholz
Matteo Maffei
Stefan Mangard
Clementine Maurice
Elisabeth Oswald
Christof Paar
Mathias Payer
Samuel Pagliarini
Michael Pehl
Frank Piessens
Bart Preneel
Andrei Sabelfeld
Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi
Peter Schwabe
Francois-Xavier Standaert
Shmuel Ur
Jo Van Bulck
Ingrid Verbauwhede
Thiemo Voigt

Past Events

Graz Security Week 2017

Graz Security Week 2018

Graz Security Week 2019

Graz Security Week 2022

Graz Security Week 2023