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Alessandro Armando is professor at the University of Genova, where he teaches Computer Security and coordinates a Master in Cybersecurity and Data Protection. His appointments include a postdoctoral research position at the University of Edinburgh and one as visiting researcher at INRIA-Lorraine in Nancy. He is co-founder and leader of the Computer Security Laboratory (CS-Lab) at the University of Genova. In 2010 he founded the Security & Trust Research Unit at the Center for Information Technologies of Bruno Kessler Foundation (FBK) in Trento and he led the unit from 2010 to 2016. He participated in several EU projects, including AVISPA (as coordinator), AVANTSSAR, and SPaCioS. He has contributed to the discovery of a serious vulnerability on the SAML-based Single Sign-On for Google Apps and to the discovery and fixing of a vulnerability that enabled a Denial of Service attack on all Android devices. His current focus is on developing cutting-edge automated reasoning techniques and on using them to build a new generation of push-button software verification and debugging tools supporting the development of complex, large-scale, distributed IT applications. |
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Herbert Bos is professor at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and leads the VUSec Systems Security research group. He obtained an ERC Starting Grant to work on reverse engineering and an NWO VICI grant to work on vulnerability detection. These and other systems security topics are still close to his heart. Other research interests include OS design, networking, and dependable systems. |
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Stéphanie Delaune completed her PhD thesis at ENS Cachan in June 2006, and joined the CNRS in 2007. Stéphanie’s research focuses on the formal analysis and design of security protocols. She uses techniques issued from automated reasoning, rewriting, model-checking, and concurrency theory to model and analyse cryptographic protocols. In September 2016, Stéphanie joined the EMSEC team at IRISA (Rennes, France) and obtained an ERC Starting Grant: POPSTAR. The purpose of this project is to develop foundations and practical tools to analyse modern security protocols with the aim of applying these techniques to secure the next generation of nomadic contactless devices. |
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François Dupressoir is a lecturer in Secure Systems at the University of Surrey. His research revolves around proving cryptographic and side-channel security properties of concrete realizations and implementations of cryptographic primitives and protocols, in the presence of partial compromise. This involves tackling problems in modelling adversaries and systems, designing and applying proof methodologies and verification tools, and generally finding less tedious ways of verifying complex properties of important (but not vast) quantities of code. His current research interests are mainly in the formal verification of imperative programs, with a focus on computational cryptographic security properties and proofs of security in the presence of side-channels and partial compromise. |
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Sebastian Faust is Assistant Professor at Ruhr University Bochum, where he is leading the research group on Applied Cryptography funded by the Emmy Noether Program of the German Science Foundation (DFG). |
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Aurélien Francillon is Assistant Professor within the Digital Security Department of EURECOM, where he teaches system security. His principal research interest is in the security of embedded devices, from low-end microcontrollers to high-end smartphones. The study of those devices requires a holistic approach for their analysis and design. Therefore, he is interested in several topics such as software security, architecture support for security, wireless and wired network security and privacy. Moreover, he is especially interested in the boundaries between software and hardware, which have been often less explored with a security mindset. |
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Boris Köpf is an associate research professor at the IMDEA Software Institute in Madrid, Spain. Boris’ research focuses on the foundations of computer security. In particular, he is interested in quantitative notions of security, and in techniques for computing corresponding guarantees for real systems. He applies his research to the analysis of side-channel attacks (and countermeasures) and to privacy-preserving data publishing. |
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Matteo Maffei is W2 professor at Saarland University within the Competence Center on IT-Security, Privacy, and Accountability, where he is heading the Secure and Privacy-preserving Systems Group. He joins TU Vienna as full professor and head of the Security and Privacy group in spring 2017. His main research interests are the design of cryptographic solutions to protect the privacy of users in the digital world and in the development of verification techniques to enforce security and privacy properties in programs, devices, and systems. More specifically, this embraces formal analysis of security and privacy properties in distributed systems as well as formal analysis of mobile apps, program verification, security and privacy by design, privacy-enhancing technologies and privacy in cloud applications. |
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Stefan Mangard is professor at Graz University of Technology, where he heads the Secure Systems group. His research interests include security architectures, software side-channels, hardware attacks and countermeasures, cryptography as well as secure and efficient hardware and software implementations of cryptography. He obtained an ERC consolidator grant in 2015 to research countermeasures in hardware and software to protect software execution against all types of side-channel and fault attacks. |
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Clementine Maurice is postdoctoral researcher in the Secure Systems group at the Graz University of Technology. Her research topics cover microarchitectural covert and side channels in commodity computers and servers, reverse-engineering processor parts, virtualization security and fingerprinting. |
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Bart Preneel is professor at KU Leuven. His main research topics are cryptology, information security and its applications. This ranges from design and analysis of cryptographic algorithms and protocols to development of efficient and secure hardware and software implementations with applications to network security, electronic payment, electronic voting, privacy and anonymity. He has lectured at 30 international Summer Schools in 15 countries. In 2003, he has received the European Information Security Award in the area of academic research, and he received an honorary Certified Information Security Manager(CISM) designation by the Information Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA). Since 1989, he is a Belgian expert in working group ISO/IEC JTC1/SC27/WG2 (Security Techniques and Mechanisms), where he has edited five international standards. He is president of L-SEC vzw. (Leuven Security Excellence Consortium), an association of 50 companies and research institutions in the area of e-security. |
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Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi is professor at the Technische Universität Darmstadt, where he heads the System Security Lab. He is the Director of Intel Collaborative Research Institute for Secure Computing (ICRI-SC) at TU Darmstadt. He is a member of the profile area CYSEC of TU Darmstadt. His research tackles Trustworthy Computing Platforms and Trusted Computing, Security Hardware, and Applied Cryptography. He has been serving as general or program chair as well as program committee member of major conferences and workshops in Information Security and Privacy. He is Editor-In-Chief of IEEE Security and Privacy Magazine, and on the editorial board of ACM Books. He served 5 years on the editorial board of the ACM Transactions on Information and System Security (TISSEC), and was guest editor of the IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design (Special Issue on Hardware Security and Trust). Sadeghi has been awarded with the renowned German prize “Karl Heinz Beckurts” for his research on Trusted and Trustworthy Computing technology and its transfer to industrial practice. Further, his group received the second prize of German IT Security Competition Award 2010. |
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Francois-Xavier Standaert is associate researcher of the Belgian Fund for Scientific Research (F.R.S.-FNRS) and professor at the UCL Institute of Information and Communication Technologies, Electronics and Applied Mathematics (ICTEAM). In 2010, he was program co-chair of CHES (which is the flagship workshop on cryptographic hardware). In 2011, he was awarded a Starting Independent Research Grant by the European Research Council. In 2016, he has been awarded a Consolidator Grant by the European Research Council. From 2017 to 2020, he will be board member (director) of the International Association for Cryptologic Research (IACR). His research interests include cryptographic hardware and embedded systems, low power implementations for constrained environments (RFIDs, sensor networks, …), the design and cryptanalysis of symmetric cryptographic primitives, physical security issues in general and side-channel analysis in particular. |
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Thiemo Voigt is researcher at SICS where he leads the Networked Embedded Systems Group. His current research focuses on wireless sensor networks and system software for embedded networked devices and the Internet of Things. He is also full professor at Uppsala University where he leads the Uppsala Networked Objects Group.